Hi, there. Jen Glantz here. I am so sorry for your recent loss. I’m here to help you write a eulogy during this difficult time. Welcome to a guide on cat eulogy templates.
- Our #1 Cat Eulogy Generator
- A guide on How to Write a Eulogy for a Cat
- A collection of Cat Eulogy Examples
- How to deliver a eulogy for your cat
- Printable cat eulogy template
General Fill-in-the-Blank Cat Eulogy Template
“Today we remember [Cat’s Name], our beloved feline companion who graced us with [his/her] presence for [number] years.
[Name] came to us [how you got them/circumstances] and quickly claimed [his/her] throne in our home. Through [his/her] [choose 2-3: independence/affection/playfulness/wisdom], [he/she] showed us the perfect balance of love and dignity.
Life with [Name] meant [choose 2-3: daily rituals/funny habits/loving moments]. [His/Her] favorite things included [list: sleeping spots/toys/treats/activities], and [he/she] had a special way of [characteristic behavior].
[Name] ruled [his/her] domain with [choose 2-3: grace/charm/sass/authority]. Each day brought [special routines/interactions] that we’ll always cherish.
Our hearts find comfort knowing [choose 1-2: peaceful thoughts/happy memories/lasting impact]. [Name] taught us about [life lessons learned].
Thank you, [Name], for choosing us as your family and for [choose 2-3: specific impacts]. Until we meet again.”
Personalize your cat’s eulogy here >>

Five Cat Eulogy Examples
Cat Eulogy Template 1: The Regal Ruler
“Princess Mittens wasn’t just our cat – she was the undisputed sovereign of our home for sixteen magnificent years.
From the moment she sauntered through our door, she established her reign with graceful authority. Her throne moved with the sun, from the kitchen windowsill in the morning to her favorite armchair in the afternoon. Each spot was perfectly selected for both comfort and the optimal supervision of her subjects.
Daily rituals marked her rule – the 6 AM wake-up call that brooked no resistance, the ceremonial inspection of fresh water bowls, and the evening lap time that she graciously bestowed upon her chosen favorite of the day.
Her personality combined royal dignity with surprising playfulness. While she maintained her elegant composure during the day, midnight often found her racing through the house, chasing imaginary prey with kitten-like enthusiasm.
Even in her final days, she maintained her regal bearing, accepting attention and treatment with dignified patience. Thank you, Princess Mittens, for showing us that true nobility comes from the heart.”
Personalize your cat’s eulogy here >>
Cat Eulogy Template 2: The Mischievous Spirit
“Tiger embodied every bit of his name’s playful spirit during his twelve years with us.
No shelf was too high, no cardboard box too small, and no Christmas tree was safe from his adventurous spirit. His signature move of knocking things off tables while maintaining direct eye contact taught us valuable lessons about both physics and humor.
Mornings began with his acrobatic displays across furniture, afternoons featured strategic ambushes from behind doors, and evenings weren’t complete without his enthusiastic participation in any activity we attempted.
Behind his mischievous nature lay a heart of pure gold. He knew exactly when someone needed comfort, trading his usual antics for gentle purrs and loving headbutts during difficult times.
Thank you, Tiger, for filling our days with laughter and showing us that life should never be taken too seriously.”
Personalize your cat’s eulogy here >>
Cat Eulogy Template 3: The Silent Supporter
“Shadow lived up to her name in the gentlest way possible, quietly walking beside us through fourteen years of life’s ups and downs.
Never demanding but always present, she had a sixth sense for knowing when she was needed. During illness, she became a constant bedside companion. Through late-night study sessions, she offered silent encouragement. During moments of joy, her purrs amplified our happiness.
Her subtle ways of showing love became our daily comfort – the soft paw taps when food was late, the quiet presence on the edge of every gathering, and the gentle weight against our legs during difficult phone calls.
Though she rarely meowed, her expressions spoke volumes. From the slow blink of absolute trust to the questioning tilt of her head when we talked to her, she communicated perfectly without words.
Thank you, Shadow, for teaching us that the quietest love can be the strongest.”
Personalize your cat’s eulogy here >>
Cat Eulogy Template 4: The Rescued Friend
“Oliver came to us broken but showed us what resilience truly means over our eight years together.
Found in a rain-soaked box, he transformed from a frightened kitten into the most loving companion we could imagine. His journey from hiding under furniture to claiming the center of every family photo taught us about courage and trust.
Despite his rough start, he approached each day with fresh optimism. Every sunbeam was a new opportunity for joy, every lap a chance for connection, and every treat an occasion for celebration.
His greatest gift was his capacity for forgiveness and love. Though humans had failed him early, he chose to trust again, becoming especially gentle with children and other rescued animals.
Thank you, Oliver, for showing us that past hardship doesn’t determine future happiness.”
Personalize your cat’s eulogy here >>
Cat Eulogy Template 5: The Family Matriarch
“Luna presided over our growing family for eighteen years, adapting to each change with remarkable grace.
She welcomed three babies home from the hospital, supervised countless homework sessions, and provided comfort through every childhood illness. Her patience with gentle toddler pets and determination to sleep in every new crib showed her dedication to her expanded family.
As the children grew, so did her roles – from playmate to confidante, from guardian to friend. She knew exactly which family member needed her comfort on any given day, rotating her attention with diplomatic precision.
Her favorite spot at the top of the stairs gave her the perfect vantage point to monitor her domain, ensuring every family member received their daily check-in as they passed.
Thank you, Luna, for being our children’s first teacher in compassion and showing us how family love grows.”
Personalize your cat’s eulogy here >>
Writing Tips
Capturing Your Cat’s Essence
- Note unique personality traits
- Remember daily routines
- Include favorite spots
- Describe special sounds
- List quirky habits
- Recall significant moments
Special Considerations
- Honor independent nature
- Acknowledge hunting skills
- Include sleeping spots
- Remember food preferences
- Note social preferences
- Include favorite toys
Delivery Guidelines
- Keep tone balanced
- Include humor if appropriate
- Share specific memories
- Express gratitude
- Acknowledge unique bond
- End with hope
Final Thoughts
Writing a eulogy for your cat celebrates the unique bond between humans and felines. Remember to include:
- Personality quirks
- Special routines
- Favorite spots
- Loving moments
- Family impact
- Lasting memories
Most importantly, honor both the independence and affection that made your cat unique. Your words celebrate a companion who chose to share their life with you, enriching your days with their presence.